Monday, September 30, 2013

The Heart of a New Homeschooling Momma

No one could have prepared me for what a mother
feels when she begins to homeschool
her children.
Kind of in the same way that no one
can prepare you for
the way your heart breaks and feels the
most joy and love it's ever felt
the moment the nurse places your brand new baby
in your arms for the first time.
A rush of emotions flow through you
and you feel broken and whole
at the very same time.
I have taught each of my children to drink from
big kid cups and eat on their own,
there were days when their little hands weren't quite steady
and the red juice was spilled
and the spaghetti was all over the place
 and there were many days that things got messy but there was
no giving up, we cleaned up to try again, we persevered.
I have held little hands while their feet took wobbly first steps
and I have been there to catch them should
they fall.
I am learning that this new adventure of homeschooling
 isn't much different.
We will have great days, when everyone scores
things are going smoothly and we are all smiles.
And there will be those messy days when books are
scattered, words are misspelled
and numbers
aren't added quite right
but we
will persevere just like we always have.
We will love one another, encourage
one another
and most importantly pray
for one another.
We will learn the place value of numbers and all
about metaphors and even do some
cool science experiments
most importantly
we will learn
about the love of Jesus
and how to have a servant's heart.
Their hands may be a little more steady now
but their hearts and minds
are still growing
and I will
be here to guide and teach
as best as I can
yet another adventure
of life.
A prayer written by a homeschooling momma...
Where I fail Lord I thank You that Your wondrous grace and mercy fills in my gaps.
I praise You, that our children receive what they need in You.
Thank you that you bless our school time.
Help my children learn the skills that You need for them to learn.
The writing, reading, math, science, history,
 foreign language, art, music, etc, are all to point my children back to You.
 More than any academic knowledge Lord, help my children personally know You.
That is my goal.
In Jesus Mighty Name,

Thursday, September 26, 2013

It's Just The Beginning

It's been quite a while since I have "blogged" that a word?
Anyway this blog will most likely be all over
the place, lots on my mind.
A few weeks ago we began a new journey here at the Neville house
It has been very challenging (yes, already lol)
but also very rewarding
and it's only been almost 3 weeks.
I must admit that it only took me a couple of days before I thought to myself
 "what am I doing and why aren't my children in school?"
I'm just so afraid of "messing up."
And I can tell you that I have a new found respect for
homeschool parents!
It is quite a load to carry but what a beautiful load it is :)
Watching them read, work, learn and explore together
is one of the greatest joys ever!

 And even on the messy days
when stuff is every where and things aren't going as perfectly
as planned...

So even on the tough days,
the days that I'm not wearing my "Super Mama" gear,
I will look ahead to the purpose
and know that...

Happy HomeSchooling! :)