Friday, September 28, 2012

A New Normal

I don't remember the date but I sure remember the day!
I was sitting at China Bell eating lunch with my grandma when my phone rang.
It was my husband "the doctor is trying to get a hold of you, something about Caitlyn's test results."
I responded "is it good or bad?"
His voice became a little stuttered "they said something about one of her chromosomes, something like a deletion on line 22. I don't know, I'm at work so I didn't have a lot of time to talk to them. Call and let me know what's going on."
My heart sank and I couldn't finish my lunch. I quickly ended the call with my husband so I could call the doctor and of course I got the voice mail. I left a message of pleading to the doctor to please call me as soon as possible.
Thankfully she called back immediately and right away began to explain the results of the genetic testing they had done.
Let me back track a little....Caitlyn was born on July 28, 2002 (3 wks early) I went in for a routine check up. My plan was to return to work as soon as my appointment was over.
The doctor came in just as she did all the times before.
She began by weighing me, taking my blood pressure and proceeded by measuring my tummy.
That's when the appointment became "different"
She explained that the measurement had gone up way too much from the week before.
They rushed me to ultra sound and decided that I had polyhydramnios
which means there was too much amniotic fluid surrounding the baby.
It was a dangerously high level.
The feeling I had then was the same feeling I got the day the doctor called me (8years later) with the results of  Caitlyn's genetic testing.
Long story short, I was induced that day.
Caitlyn was born a few hours later and rushed to the NIC U for observation.
The next time I saw her she had wires (oxygen, feeding tube and IVs) and she was surrounded by beeping machines.
I wasn't allowed to touch her or hold her because they didn't want anyone interfering with her getting well.
(This pic was taken right before they put the oxygen, IVs and feeding tube in)
 (nurse checking her vitals)
(mawmaw came to visit)
We spent about a week there and Caitlyn became healthy enough to take home. I was so grateful that God had touched her little body.
When she was 3 months old we ended up back in the hospital, she was struggling to breathe, had an extremely high fever and she was very sick. The docs were running all kinds of tests and trying hard to get her fever down to a normal level.
It was a very scary time!
I remember standing in the hall hearing my baby scream and cry (daddy was with her) while they were trying to find a place to put an IV.
Her veins were so tiny, they finally (after 4 sticks) decided to put an IV in her little head.
When I saw her my heart felt like it crumbled.
Her and I stayed at the hospital for over a week, daddy would come every evening after work and stay until time to go to work the next morning.
After lots of praying and lots of tests, they diagnosed her with RSV.
She got well enough to go home but
she ended up being hospitalized a couple of times more with RSV in the later months.
As she got a little older (age 2) she still struggled with breathing from time to time and was diagnosed with asthma. She had lots of ear infections and seemed to be sick alot more than her younger sister.
She had 3 surgeries for ear tubes to try to help with the infections, she had surgery on her eyes to remove the sty's that just wouldn't go away, she had surgery to remove adenoids and tonsils.
After meds and surgeries things seemed to be going well for a little while.
Then came her 7 year old check up with her pediatrician.
She weighed her and measured her and immediately sent us to the hospital for a bone scan and blood work.
After a year of different specialists and tests, we were referred to a geneticist. They sent us to the lab for more blood work.
This brings us back to the phone call.
The doctor began to speak "Well we found the problem, you're daughter has a genetic syndrome."
She said more but to be honest I can't remember much of what she said after that.
Once again my heart crumbled and hot tears ran down my face in the middle of China Bell.
I felt sick and confused.
I walked out to get some air and try to process what I was going to say to my husband.
All kinds of thoughts ran through my mind.
What did we do wrong? How could this happen to us? WHY?!
I called my husband and relayed the news, he asked questions that I didn't know the answers to and we both felt nervous and unsure of what this meant for us and our family and most of all, Her!
Once the initial shock was over I reminded myself of how special and perfect she is to us!
In the weeks to come we spent hours at the hospital for more blood draws and tests including echocardiogram, renal ultra sound, x rays and much more testing.
She was very brave during that time!
We have been extremely blessed in the fact that Caitlyn does not have a major heart defect like lots of children with 22q 11.2 deletion syndrome do.
She has an "innocent" murmur but nothing threatening.
She also does not have any kidney problems, we are so thankful for that as well!
Life has changed for her and our entire family, we now have a "new normal." Our schedule consists of lots of hospital visits, doctors appointments, specialists, blood draws, therapies, check ups and whatever else may be necessary at the given time.
I feel absolutely 100% Blessed that God chose Scott and I to be her parents!
She is completely perfect just like our 3 other children and she
has made me one happy momma!
Through this diagnosis I have learned not to take life and health for granted!
I have learned alot about chromosomes and lack thereof.
I know more about genetics and DNA than I
ever learned in school.
I am sure I still have LOTS to learn!
One thing I know for sure is...
We are all different in some way or another!
(This pic was taken at Children's Hospital)
There are days it is still a struggle and she isn't feeling so brave
and to be honest, neither am I.
But she does love when daddy gets to come with us to an appointment from time to time!
That definitely puts a smile on her face!
We are living our "new normal" with grateful hearts and thankful minds!
Just last week we experienced something awesome when we got to meet other 22q families at a conference held at Nationwide Children's Hospital here in columbus!
Her sisters enjoyed it too!
Caitlyn like all of us has been created in the image of God!
Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
How awesome is that!
She is a little super hero for sure!
“Accept the children the way we accept trees—with gratitude, because they are a blessing—but do not have expectations or desires. You don’t expect trees to change, you love them as they are.”
― Isabel Allende

Thursday, September 27, 2012

People Are Like Pumpkins

Last fall my family and I made our way to pumpkin patch!
We had a blast as we always do when we go. It's one of our favorite things to do together.
When we arrived the kids immediately went running into the land full of pumpkins to find the "perfect pumpkin."
They all went a different direction in hopes of finding the "best" pumpkin in the field.
They were full of excitment and before I knew it one by one they came trailing up to me with their selection. 
Aubrey found a nice big oval one!
Caitlyn found a nice round one!
Caleb found one as heavy as he could carry!
and last but not least, Mckenna found a little baby pumpkin!
All the pumpkins were so different but yet they were all pumpkins!
Each one of my children chose a different "type" of pumpkin, the one that appealed most to them.
I thought about how the pumpkins are alot like us!
God has created each of us different in one way or another but yet we are all people, we are a family.
One of us may be great at singing or playing an instrument, another may be an awesome poet or an artist.
One may have great orginization skills and the other may be extra creative.
Each of my children were very proud of their very different pumpkins and in their minds they knew exactly the use they had for it!

That's exactly how God looks at each of us!
He creates us according to the purpose he has for us in this life. He knows exactly the use he has for each of us.
Sometimes we are unsure of what our "purpose" is but God never is.

I remember thinking at one point in my life, what could I possibly do in this big ol world to make a difference for God.
I remember praying these words "God, please use me in any way that you can. I don't know what I'm suppose to do in this life but I'm willing to do it, if you can just show me what it is."
I would like to tell you that immediately I knew but that's not the case. Actually very soon after I prayed that prayer, my life seemed to have gotten a little rocky. At that time I didn't understand it but as
I look back now, I realize that God had to remove some of the "yuckiness" inside of me in order to use me for his glory.
He was scraping all of the "junk" out, alot like getting all the "stuff" out of the pumpkins!
I won't say it was an "easy" process, it was far from it!
But I will say that I am grateful for the work he has done in my life!
He can do it for you too!
Once he removed all the "junk," I was clean on the inside and ready to learn through his word and seek him in prayer.
I made time for him daily and before long, I could feel the change taking place inside of me.
After all, that is where the love of God shines, from the inside out!
Kinda like the pumpkin....
Happy Fall Everyone!
 Keep On Shining For Jesus!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Stay At Home Mom

The other day I ran into a high school friend at Walmart.
I asked her how she was doing and she replied with a big smile on her face
"I'm great! I have 2 kids, went back to school and got my nursing degree
and I'm now working at the local hospital as a nurse!"
She then proceeded to ask me how life was going for me.
After hearing her success, I was feeling somewhat inadequate. I was searching for words
to make my life sound as interesting and successful.
I had my 2 youngest children fidgeting in the cart and we were in a bit of a rush to get
my older 2 off the bus.
I finally spoke up "uh, is great (and truly it is) I have 4 kids and...
"wow, you have 4 Kids??!!" she said with a shock!
"um, yeah...I have 3 daughters and 1 son"
It's not that I was at all embarrassed of my children because in all honesty I like to think
that I am the proudest mom on the planet!
It's just at that moment I felt like my success would be measured by a degree I should have obtained or my job status.
Our conversation ended, I went my way and she went hers
but my thoughts continued. As I checked out, loaded my bags and 2 of my children into our
family mini van, I kissed their foreheads and smiled as I buckled them in.
Immediately I thought about how I wished I would have answered her question.
I thought what's so wrong with being a stay at home mom?
Why shouldn't I be proud?
Don't get me wrong,
I think working women are awesome!
In fact being an elementary teacher was always my dream!
My dream changed July 13, 2002,
the day that my first child was born. They rushed her to the NIC-U and the next time I layed eyes on her, she was full of wires (oxygen, feeding tube, IVs) and I immediately knew that I couldn't return
to work as usual.
At that time I was working at a chiropractor's office and I loved my job and the people that I worked with.
As hours passed and my baby girl finally got well enough for us to bring her home, I knew I could not and would not leave her for any amount of time.
I decided that day that I was going to become a "stay at home mom" and I have done just that!
There are days that I question my decision but I know in my heart that I made the
right one.
How do I know?....
I have had the pleasure of witnessing their first step, their first word, giving their first bite of "real" food, playing patty cake, putting braids, pig tails, curls and bows in their hair, teaching them to sing their ABCs, being the one who craddled each of them during their sickness, spiking his hair, teaching him to kick a ball, going to the library to read or to the park in the middle of the day for a picnic adventure,
playing "princesses and the dragon" in the early afternoon,
going to all of their doctor's appointments,
having a "theatre day" at home,
singing them to sleep,
going on all the field trips and being at all the school parties,
 going to all their assemblies, dropping them off at school every morning and being involved in PTA.
There are still days that I wish I would have proceeded to go for "my dream" and with the college credits I acquired during high school, I know I could have made that dream a reality.
My dream was to become a teacher,
I am teaching 4 of the most amazing kids I've ever known!
I am living my dream!
I hope I "run" into my old friend
just once more
so that I
get the opportunity to say
"I am a stay at home mom" and I will say it proudly!
This is what I have chose to do
 with my life and though at times we sacrafice "material" things,
no amount of money is worth the love
I have received from these
4 awesome kiddos of mine, this is what I call success!
~Dedicated to all the "stay at home" mommies out there!~

Monday, September 24, 2012

Dancing Through Life


My 3 daughter's have had a blast doing ballet and tap dance!
I have had just as much fun sitting on the sidelines watching them. As they learned the steps to "tomorrow" in the movie "Annie"
they were giggling and
smiling and having such a great time!
It got me to thinking about all the times I've had the pleasure of seeing
those beautiful smiles come across their sweet faces!
All the birthdays, the cake and ice cream, christmas and the presents under the tree, the fall parties full of crafts and carving pumpkins,
even everyday life getting ready for school,
singing on the way to church,
all of the memories we have made!

I also thought about all the times my heart has broke because of the tears I have seen them shed. I know that there are many more to come in this lifetime, and it
saddens me that I can't always make their hurt, fear or pain go away.

My thoughts led me to all the different memories, the ups and downs of life and the emotions that come along with them.
There has been joy, sadness, anger...
There has been fear
and there is always hope!
I remember the day that my world turned upside down
when the doctor's called "code blue"
when my sweet Aubrey was born.
I remember praying and there was hope!

She is here with us today,
making memories, 
she is apart of our
"dance" of life!

I remember their wobbly first steps and the stuttered first words they spoke.
I also remember the first time they fell, the scratched knees and placing bandaid's over the boo boo's.
I remember Mckenna's first broken bone from the slip and slide.
I remember the first time
a hateful word was spoken, their first argument.
I remember the hugs that followed and the first time they learned to apologize.
I remember the first day of pre school and the last day of 3rd grade, oh my how time flies!

I remember the day that my perfect little Catie was diagnosed with a genetic syndrome
and how my heart broke inside.
I remember the day we found out we were finally having
a little boy to add to this family of 3 beautiful girls!
I remember the good times and the not so good times, thankfully we are not done making memories!

There are lots more to make, so...  
every morning as we get up to get ready for school or sunday school, every day as we have "group time" learning about Jesus and the hope that he brings, every evening we do homework and then gather at the table for dinner,
every night when we gather in a circle to pray as a family,
we are still making memories!
No doubt the happy days far surpass the not so happy days!
I was just thinking about this "dance" called life,
I am so grateful that we are not "dancing" alone!
God has been my lead partner, he is my guide, my HOPE
through it all!
Through the good and the bad, he has kept us and we are still "dancing"!
We dance for Laughter, We dance for Tears,
We dance for Madness, We dance for Fears,
We dance for Hopes, We dance for Screams,
 We are the dancers, We create the dreams!
~ Keep dancing my friends! ~

Friday, September 21, 2012

Wishing Flowers

This Morning I am enjoying some cuddles and eskimo kisses
from my one and only baby boy!
There is nothing in the world that can replace the love of a child!
Some of my favorite times are when I simply take the time to just watch.
 Just the other day as the kids were riding their bikes. Caleb wanted so badly to ride his big wheel.
He was studying his sisters trying to do what they were doing. 
As he was watching, he discovered a white butterfly whizzing by him and I watched as his face lit up. He reach his hand out as if to try to touch it. As it flew away, his eyes got real big and he smiled.
He looked up at me and said in an excited tone "I saw a butterfly!"
I have learned since having children of my own
why the Bible says to humble ourselves as a little child.
Children see the world as God created it.
They watch as the butterflies go by instead of being too busy to see them.
My kids have picked the lovliest bunch of weeds and ever so proudly delivered them to me.
Grinning from ear to ear, they were showing me that they love me enough to pick
something beautiful to their eyes.
They also make sure I put the "lovely weeds" on display!
One spring our yard was so full of
white dandelions
because Aubrey decided that they were "wishing flowers" and she would "blow and wish" every chance she got!
When you blow on them, you are actaully blowing seeds.When they land they grow.
So the more she would blow, the more they would grow!
At first I was frustrated and quite embarrassed of our yard full of weeds!
Then I realized what her eyes were seeing was much different than what my eyes saw.
So I sat back and enjoyed watching her wish!
What will you choose to see today?
A yard full of weeds or a land full of "wishing flowers?"